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Healthy Women's World

You Are What You Eat

  • Copyright © 2010 Katie Humphrey

  • "You are what you eat." How many times have you heard that expression? It's true, in my opinion, and it can be a good or bad thing depending on how you look at it.

    If you're in control of your diet - eating whole, healthy foods at least 80% of the time - the above statement should encourage you. The more healthily you eat, the better you will look. The occasional indulgence won't hinder any progress you make. On the other hand, if your diet (or cravings) is out of control, you may be frustrated and discouraged to think the foods you eat show up on the outside.

    Here are 5 steps to eating foods that will make you look and feel fabulous:

    Eat WHOLE foods. Celebrity personal trainer Jillian Michaels says, "If it grew from the ground or had a mother, it's whole." This includes lean meats, whole grains, vegetables and fruits. Eating these foods will help you lose weight, increase energy and balance hormones naturally.

    Drink LOTS of water. Drinking water is often neglected by women and is a crucial component to weight loss. Water keeps the body hydrated, increases metabolism and reduces cravings. It helps to flush toxins and reduces bloating! Always keep a bottle of water on you and drink it until your urine is clear (that's how you know you're drinking enough!).

    Combine protein and carbohydrates. Protein does not just mean "meat." Vegetarian proteins are just as good as animal products. Combining protein with a carbohydrate guarantees blood sugar levels will remain steady so you don't feel fatigued or experience any food cravings! If you're unsure what protein or carbohydrates you should be eating, go to and get my free report, "Permission to Eat Freely." It outlines these foods in detail and how often you should be eating them.

    Eat treats every once in a while. Treats include dessert, alcohol and junk foods. You don't have to cut these foods out, but watch how much you consume them. I also suggest to clients to choose "healthier" versions of their favorite treats. I love making organic, gluten-free chocolate chip cookies instead of regular cookies. I never feel guilty when eating them, and I don't "puff up" or get bloated. Eating these kinds of foods every so often will keep you from feeling deprived (hint: deprivation can lead to bingeing!).

    Write out your personal meal plan. These four eating strategies will help you lose weight, keep it off and get your ideal body. I lost 30 pounds (even with PCOS) eating this way, so I know you can do it, too. The biggest step you have to take is actually implementing the information.

    Take 5 minutes right now and map out what you are going to eat from now on. Make time to cook, make meals and pack them in a cooler. Write a grocery list of healthy items with which you need to stock your fridge. Following through with these tips is what will actually gets you results! Next week we will learn the mindset you need to stay committed to a healthy, effective meal plan!
    If you enjoyed this article, you'll love my FREE report, "Permission to Eat Freely: 4 Steps to Lasting Weight Loss (while eating dessert)!" Yours FREE (a $27 value) when you download it at

    Katie Humphrey, author of "Freedom from PCOS," helps women with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome naturally overcome their condition using an effective combination of exercise, nutrition and lifestyle coaching.


    Junk Food