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Die Macht der Schnheit

Diets' Review:

Diet Direct - The Online Source for Diet and Weight Management

If you are wanting to lose fat, you may be discovering it difficult to find a company you can trust with goods you will like and that will help you reach your goals. Since I'm often on the lookout for diet meals and snacks that taste good, are healthy and effective, I've done some research on Diet Direct. I will share with you here what I've discovered in this Diet Direct review. [...more click to full story]

The DASH Diet for Control of High Blood Pressure (Hypertension)


This diet was specifically developed to aid the individuals with high blood pressure, known as hypertension in the medical world. DASH - "Dietary approaches to stop hypertension" - has become very popular over the years in aiding individuals to control their blood pressure [which is one of the primary causes of heart disease] and has the honor of receiving recommendations from several health institutes. [...more click to full story]

Paleo Meal Planning - Ideas for Daily Meals

Deciding to eat just one kind of low calorie food

What happens if you decide to go on a diet which is composed entirely of bananas and milk? Will it work? Yes, you will lose weight, but only if you eat a moderate amount. Bananas and milk are excellent foods and together provide a good selection of the nutrients the body requires. But such a diet is much too monotonous to endure for a long time [...more click to full story]

Are You Making These Diet Mistakes?

Deciding to eat just one kind of low calorie food

What happens if you decide to go on a diet which is composed entirely of bananas and milk? Will it work? Yes, you will lose weight, but only if you eat a moderate amount. Bananas and milk are excellent foods and together provide a good selection of the nutrients the body requires. But such a diet is much too monotonous to endure for a long time [...more click to full story]

Grapefruit Diet Ideas

The Grapefruit Diet also known as the Hollywood Diet, an 18-day diet, dates to 1930 Hollywood.

This diet claims that grapefruit contains a special fat-burning enzyme that activated when you eat half a grapefruit along with small amounts of other food for each meal.
[...more click to full story]

Flush your pipes (lemons,cayenne pepper and maple syrup diet)

It's OK if you believed the hype, because some of it's actually true. Weight loss is a side benefit of the Cayenne Pepper Cleanse. However, don't think for one moment that using this method, or one of the other internal body-cleansing recipes designed to detox your system, is the best way to achieve optimum health [...more click to full story]

The Dukan Diet

The Dukan  Diet Gourmet Food Aspect

Are you searching for a diet that's going to take off the pounds and keep them off? Women and men in France seem to have this worked out - in France they are considerably less obese than Americans. Why is that? The up coming article offers a possible conclusion. [...more click to full story]

The Water Diet - Is It Safe and Does It Work?

The Water Diet has been around for quite a number of years now, and yet many people have no idea what it actually is or whether it can work. Many people believe it involves replacing food with water but this is not the case at all.
In this article we are going to discuss the two most important questions you should ask of any diet - 'Does it work?' and 'Is it safe?' [...more click to full story]

The Sonoma Diet

The Sonoma Diet is a weight loss plan that promotes the healthy and flavorful eating style of the Mediterranean and Sonoma Valley. Flavorful foods are an important part of the plan and they help you stick to the plan, loose weight and choose a healthier new lifestyle.

The core of the Sonoma Diet is the power foods [...more click to full story]

The 5-Factor Diet

What is it?

How would you like to lose weight in 5-weeks or less!

This simple diet, created by personal trainer Harley Pasternak, is designed to last five weeks. It consists of five small meals a day, combined with 25 mins of exercise broken down into five five-minute bursts.
Pasternak created the 5 Factor Diet with Hollywood actors in mind - the simple meals are designed to be rustled up on set and the short exercises can be done between takes.
You also get one cheat day every week so you can eat whatever you want! [...more click to full story]

Diet Plans And Menus - The Cretan Diet

The Cretan Diet has been inspired by the traditional foods of Crete, which is one lovely Greek isle. This diet is based on a regime rich in vegetables, fruits, grains, olive oil, some dairy products, fish, and seafood. Foods rich in saturated fats such as red meat, cold cuts, sunflower seed oil, and butter and rapidly digested sugars such as pastries, ice cream, and carbonated drinks should be avoided as much as possible. [...more click to full story]

The cookie diet: Does it work?

So you ate a few more cookies over the holidays than you should have, and now you're weighing in at a few more pounds than you'd like. What to do?
Perhaps you should eat more cookies.
Purveyors of several all-the-rage "cookie diets" say you can lose as much as 15 pounds a month on their programs, and they boast of a sizable batch of already sized-down cookie dieters [...more click to full story]

Hollywood Cookie Diet

Banana Diet - One of the Easiest Ways to Lose Weight If You Do it Right

Here's an easy to use version that will give you slow, steady weight loss. This is not an extreme diet like you may think.

You may think that the banana diet consists of eating just bananas all day. Wrong! Obviously that isn't very practical or smart. There is just 1 main rule to this diet and another general rule... [...more click to full story]

The French Diet

French diet - decrease in weight to 8 kilograms in 14 days

Duration of French diet two weeks. Its low caloricity for the elongation of entire course is the basis of decrease in weight with the observance of French diet. Moreover the ration of French diet is clearly determined, and what or retreats from the menu are not admitted. A number of the products will be additionally located under the ban: [...more click to full story]

The Raw Food Diet

What Is The Raw Food Diet?

The raw food diet is a diet composed mainly or entirely of raw and living foods. These foods include mostly raw vegan food, such as fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds. This is thought by raw food eaters to be a healthier diet, full of beneficial effects. There have been some stories of dramatic weight loss occurring while on the raw food diet. This diet has been supported by several celebrities, while nutritionists do have hesitations. Raw food advocates point out that raw food diets have been common in several cultures throughout history.
There are several subtypes of people who eat raw food diets, called raw foodists:
[...more click to full story]

The Cold Water Diet

You can easily lose a little weight by simply drinking cold water. Your body must burn a few calories to heat the water up to body temperature. It burns a few more calories to temporarily carry the weight of the water. That's that many fewer calories that are available for your weight. [...more click to full story]


Yogurt Diet

Yogurt May Help Burn Fat, Promote Weight Loss

Including Fat-Free Yogurt in Weight Loss Efforts May Trim Tummies Faster.

March 17, 2005 - Adding yogurt to your diet may rev up your body's fat-burning engines, speed weight loss, and trim your tummy, according to a new study. Researchers found that obese adults who ate three servings of fat-free yogurt a day as part of a reduced-calorie diet lost 22% more weight and 61% more body fat than those who simply cut calories and didn't bone up on calcium. Yogurt eaters also lost 81% more fat in the stomach area than non-yogurt eaters.
[...more click to full story]

Zone Diet A New Weight Loss System

The Zone Diet works on the principle that 100,000 years ago, we were meat eaters, and our metabolism is designed to handle the demands of a meat-based diet.

Madonna, Demi Moore, and Jennifer Aniston swear by the results of the Zone Diet, which was created by Barry Sears, PhD. The Zone Diet contains 40% carbohydrate, 30% protein, and 30% fat and is known as the 40-30-30 plan.
[...more click to full story]


The Gracie Diet

The Gracies are considered the first family of Mixed Martial Arts (MMA). ...
Known as the Gracie Diet, this eating regimen focused on food combinations. The objective was to prevent blood acidity and fermentation that could be caused by unhealthy chemical reactions of food within the body. This procedure may hamper the digestive process which is the most energy consuming stage in the body.[...more click to full story]

A Fat Loss Diet That Doesn't Leave You Hungry

Most weight-loss seekers look with furrowed brows at the word "diet". We all know that our diet has to change, but just how that change will, or should, work is frequently misunderstood. Instead of eating foods that make us feel something like an enlarged rabbit, and being hungry all the time, a healthy fat loss diet actually incorporates all types of foods, and we really don't have to eat as little as it sounds like. Take a look at 3 diet considerations, and you might just feel different about diets in general. [...more click to full story]

Dr.Dean Ornish Diet

The Ornish Diet is a somewhat popular diet that was developed by Dean Ornish M.D. in his book Dr. Dean Ornish's Program for Reversing Heart Disease It is a diet that is specifically formulated to reverse heart disease but has recently been used as a weight-loss program. This vegetarian diet emphasizes low-fat, filling foods, including legumes and other high-fiber choices. [...more click to full story]

Buckwheat diet

The Buckwheat diet heavy enough, but effective: enables to loose 5-10 kg for one week. All that is necessary  is the especial prepared buckwheat all the week long.
[...more click to full story]

Rice Diet

The Rice Diet is a low fat, low salt diet, which despite its name is not centered on rice. It was developed in the 1930s at Duke University, and is sometimes known as the Duke University Rice Diet. The major components of the diet are healthy eating (fruits, grains, beans, vegetables, olive oil, non fat dairy and lean meat), walking, and taking time for yourself. [...more click to full story]

Dining Out with a Weight Loss Diet

When you are trying any type of weight loss diet, dining out, and grocery shopping can be dreaded tasks. Often times, depending on the weight loss diet you have chosen, restaurants do not carry many diet-friendly menu items. The grocery store, forgive me for saying this, can be pure hell for any person on a weight loss diet.
Well with this article, you will find that neither has to be the nightmare we all know it can be. [...more click to full story]

15 Facts for Weight Loss Newbies

Your weight affects you in many ways other than your appearance:

  • Your overall quality of life;
  • self-esteem;
  • health risks;
  • depression;
  • and physical abilities are also influenced.
Think of all the positive changes you can experience by losing weight. [...more click to full story]

Can You Don a Bikini and Hit the Beach Using the South Beach Diet?

Diet books and fad diets are nothing new. It seems every few months there's a new weight loss program being touted by the so-called experts as the "new miracle diet". We, as consumers, are bombarded by before and after pictures and testimonials from people who have successfully lost weight with some fabulous new program.

Two years ago, another new diet book hit the shelves. It was called "The South Beach Diet"... [...more click to full story]

The Paleolithic Diet - Should We Eat Like Our "Cave Man" Ancestors?

The "paleolithic," "stone age," "cave man," or "neanderthal" diet plans have been around for a while and there are quite a few books that have been written on the subject.

In general, with a only few minor constructive criticisms, I think they are right on point, and will benefit your health and definitely your fat loss efforts.

A "Paleo Diet" or cave man" diet is actually very similar to the bodybuilding diets I often recommend and this is most definitely a great way get very lean, very fast. [...more click to full story]

Diet Disasters - How to Fight Them, How to Avoid Them

Diet Disasters

How did it happen? You were being so good about eating healthy - now you're face to face with a whole coconut cream pie or a burger and fries from the nearest fast food joint. A sudden craving, a time crunch or a lengthy dinner menu can bring one on - diet disasters happen. What can you do when faced with a situation that seems almost guaranteed to knock you off the healthy eating track? Here are solutions to the most common diet disasters [...more click to full story]

The Obesity Solution Secret: How to Eat To Lose Fat

I used to interview elite bodybuilders on their training and eating for a living and did this for years and years. One reoccurring theme that kept popping up when talk turned to diet/nutrition was how much food top bodybuilders packed away on a daily basis. These men taught their bodies how to handle continually greater amounts of calories without becoming fat. Contrast this with the typical obese person who eats one meal a day and adds body fat at the drop of a hat. I am working with a crew of obese folks and having great success using modified bodybuilder eating tactics to help the obese lose body fat [...more click to full story]

A Successful Weight-Loss System Researched By Harvard University.

You may have heard of the 'Mediterranean Diet'. It is well known to be one of the healthiest eating regimes known to man as well as an effective and powerful deterrent against heart disease, cancer and other life-threatening illnesses.

What you might not know is that if applied in the correct way this type of diet can also be used as an extremely effective means of losing weight - and a lot of it!!

Losing weight AND improving your health at the same time? Unheard of - until now! [...more click to full story]

There are several types of detox diets. There are those in which you can only eat fruits and vegetables, those in which you can only eat clean foods, those in which you can only drink fruit and vegetable juice, and the most extreme type where you can only drink water. You can also do specialized cleanses designed specifically for certain area of the body, for instance the liver, kidneys, blood or lungs. However, most detox diets just involve cleansing the entire body. Below, there is a sample of a seven day detox diet that you can try. [...more click to full story]

"I am a mother with 3 children (3,2,& 10mths), and lost 40 pounds!!! Went from 160-120 and now have beautiful skin and increased mental clarity. I have Dr. Perricone and his diet to thank. Have you heard of "The Perricone Prescription", or "The Perricone Diet"? Wonderful advice for ANYONE. It doesn't matter what "bodytype" you have, or what fitness level you are. Everyone benefits. Look into it. ... I'm excited to share. "
/Jennifer Nash/

Is There a Face-lift in Your Fridge?

The answer is YES if you follow Dr. Perricones Three-Day Nutritional Face-lift. To make it simple, follow this plan for three days. [...more click to full story]

Is Your Modern Diet Killing You?

Not feeling good lately? Having a hard time enjoying a good dinner for fear of the discomfort that may result later? Are you finding it harder and harder to lose weight? Do you or members of your family find it takes longer to get over an illness or injury? [...more click to full story]

Atkins Diet

The Atkins Nutritional Approach, popularly known as the Atkins Diet or just Atkins, is the most marketed and well-known of the low-carbohydrate diets. It was adopted by Dr. Robert Atkins (1930-2003) in the 1960s from a diet he read in the Journal of the American Medical Association and utilized to resolve his own overweight condition following medical school and graduate medical training. . [...more click to full story]

Abs Diet

The Abs Diet is a nutritional diet created by "Men's Health Magazine", editor David Zinczenko. The Abs Diet, a revolutionary new diet and exercise plan that promises to dramatically improve your bodyfast. The Abs Diet is guaranteed to give you a flat stomach and great physique in just 6 weeksand keep you lean and healthy for the rest of your life! [...more click to full story]


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